Руководитель отдела по работе с клиентами

6-я глобальная русскоязычная конференция по гибкой разработке (Agile, Lean, Lean Startup)
Программа / Заявки на доклады / Making better decisions with option theory
Your project is constantly about make choices and trade-offs. The Agile way of working allows for a faster time-to-market and increased adaptability as you see opportunities in your specific market. With these organizational benefits, the demands on the responsiveness of the organization increases tremendously. Like driving a car, it takes similar skills to drive a regular car versus a race car, however the demands for a race car a much higher; the decisions the driver makes need to be faster and more accurate. In Agile organizations the same goes for the decision making.
This session introduces Real Options and shows how it helps you in running both your projects and your life. Real Options is a decision-making process based on Financial Option Theory and Applied Psychology that can be used to manage risk. It focuses on WHEN to make decisions rather than HOW to make decisions. Timing of decision making is crucial in everything you do, however deferring commitments causes stress to many people. Real options helps you manage that stress by creating bounded uncertainty in an context of total uncertainty.
Уровень аудитории: Beginner, Новички в Agile, Practicing, Практикующие Agile, Expert, Эксперты в Agile
1. Olav Maassen, VersionOne