Руководитель отдела по работе с клиентами

6-я глобальная русскоязычная конференция по гибкой разработке (Agile, Lean, Lean Startup)
Максим Буковский, Docler Holding (Люксембург)

Senior IT Project Manager
О себе:
I'm not just a qualified project manager but also IT Technical Project Manager holding hands on modern technologies and solutions.
I am in charge of development of high-load distributed IT systems and micro-services. So, such things as load balancing, response time, geo-routing, multi-DC solutions, CI/CD, monitoring, RESTful API, Docker Swarm, Key-Value storages, Service Discovery, DBs (SQL + NoSQL), Clustering and Orchestration Tools are not just cool words for me but instruments to build our solutions.
I have development experience with:
- LiveJasmin streaming service (#1 world adult streaming in Alexa ranking)
- PropellerAds advertising network (#31 world global in Alexa ranking, leader of second tier AdNetworks standing after Google and Yahoo)
My approach is to build great teams to develop great products.
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